Email templates

Email templates allow you to create predefined email messages, which can be used when sending invoices or estimates. Dynamic placeholder make it easier to personalise the message automatically, based on customer and document details.

Additionally, you can define the template language, which makes it easier to send invoices and estimates to your foreign customers.

Setting up a template

Every existing email template can be viewed, modified or deleted by navigating to Business settings and then choosing the Emails tab. New templates can be created by clicking on Add email template.

The template name is only visible to the user and other members of the business on Sliptree. Customers will not see this.

Choosing a document type determines whether the template can be used for invoices or estimates.

The selected language determines the language of other elements in the email, such as the 'View invoice' button.

The subject and message are what customers see. The following paragraphs expand further on these.

Using Markdown for formatting

Sliptree supports a number of Markdown syntax elements to help make emails easily customisable. To learn more about the specifics of Markdown, we recommend reading the Markdown Guide.

List of Markdown syntax elements available in Sliptree

Element Markdown Syntax Example
Heading 1 # Heading 1

Heading 2 ## Heading 2

Heading 3 ### Heading 3

Bold **bold text**

Italic *italicised text**

Ordered List

1. First item

2. Second item

3. Third item

Unordered List

- First item

- Second item

- Third item

Code `code`

Horizontal Rule —--

Link [title](

Using placeholders in emails

Placeholders can be used to automatically fill in customer's names, email addresses or even data related to the current invoice. Placeholders can also be used in the subject line, not just the body of the message. These placeholders look different from normal text and they will be replaced with the relevant information automatically.

While placeholders can be used with invoice messages on any single invoice, it is much more powerful when creating an email template.

As an example, instead of writing an impersonal 'Hello, customer!', a simple 'Hello,!' can be used, which will use the customer's name, based on the current customer's profile.

Note that these values are always formatted according to invoice language and region.

Here's an example of an email with several placeholders used and what it would look like for the recipient:

A list of available text placeholders

Placeholder Description Example Customer's full name Mati Maasikas
:customer.address Customer's address, line 1 Pikk 142
:customer.address_2 Customer's address, line 2 Apt 44 Customer's city Kuressaare
:customer.state Customer's state Saaremaa
:customer.postal_code Customer's postal code 93810 Customer's country Estonia
:customer.reg_nr Customer's company registration number 12082167
:customer.vat_id Customer's VAT ID number EE101447821 Customer's email address Customer's phone number +372 58362305 Customer's website
:title Invoice/estimate title Invoice
:number Invoice/estimate number 19482
:title_with_number Invoice/estimate title with number Invoice No. 19482
:reference_number Invoice reference number 2004924
:currency Invoice/estimate currency EUR
:notes Invoice/estimate notes Here's an example of a note.
:due_at Invoice due date, formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD' 2023-06-25
:due_at_for_humans Invoice due date, formatted according to invoice locale 06/25/2023
:due_at_diff_for_humans Invoice due date, written out as a relative value 1 year ago
:issued_at Invoice/estimate issue date, formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD' 2023-05-15
:issued_at_for_humans Invoice/estimate issue date, formatted according to invoice/estimate locale 05/15/2023
:subtotal Invoice/estimate subtotal without formatting 35975
:subtotal_for_humans Invoice/estimate subtotal, formatted according to invoice/estimate locale 35,975.00
:subtotal_formatted Invoice/estimate subtotal and currency, formatted according to invoice/estimate locale €35,975.00
:total_discount Invoice/estimate discount total without formatting 6247.17
:total_discount_for_humans Invoice/estimate discount total, formatted according to invoice/estimate locale 6,247.17
:total_discount_formatted Invoice/estimate discount total and currency, formatted according to invoice/estimate locale €6,247.17
:total_net Invoice/estimate total without formatting 29727.83
:total_net_for_humans Invoice/estimate total, formatted according to invoice/estimate locale 29,727.83
:total_net_formatted Invoice/estimate total and currency, formatted according to invoice/estimate locale €29,727.83
:total_tax Invoice/estimate tax total without formatting 2779.76
:total_tax_for_humans Invoice/estimate tax total, formatted according to invoice/estimate locale 2,779.76
:total_tax_formatted Invoice/estimate tax total and currency, formatted according to invoice/estimate locale €2,779.76
:total Invoice/estimate total without formatting 32507.59
:total_for_humans Invoice/estimate total, formatted according to invoice/estimate locale 32,507.59
:total_formatted Invoice/estimate total and currency, formatted according to invoice/estimate locale €32,507.59
:total_paid Invoice paid total without formatting 0
:total_paid_for_humans Invoice paid total, formatted according to invoice locale 0.00
:total_paid_formatted Invoice paid total and currency, formatted according to invoice locale €0.00
:total_unpaid Invoice unpaid total without formatting 32507.59
:total_unpaid_for_humans Invoice unpaid total, formatted according to invoice locale 32,507.59
:total_unpaid_for_humans_with_currency Invoice unpaid total and currency, formatted according to invoice locale €32,507.59
:public_url Shareable link to invoice/estimate https://sliptree.test/sales-documents/01j0t850qmd49d8w1dwpez01jj/preview?company=acme&signature=297181d9dadd81d79e7127a6b6327bfa25e967cf8914a3ee4368bb9c332a2d8d

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