Update my billing details

At times you’ll need to change your payment card or billing details. At Sliptree we make this easy to do.

Changing my Payment Card

Whether your credit card has expired, cancelled, or you simply need to change it for a different one, you can update it at any time. Here’s how:

Click on your company profile in the top right hand corner and select Organisation settings > Payment Methods and you’ll see several options of adding a new payment card or update your bank details.

Remember to click “Save” to save your changes. The updated payment details will be effective immediately.

To remove an unwanted card or payment method from the list, just click the ‘X’ icon next to that card.

Changing my Organization Name and Address

To change your organization’s details you’ll need to do the following:

Click on your company profile in the top right hand corner and select Organisation settings > General. Your company details will be displayed - Organization name, Address, Country, Registration Number and VAT Number (if applicable).

Amend the details you require and then his “Save Changes” to save your changes.

Changing my Billing Email Address

Billing statements and emails can be sent automatically to people even if they are not part of your organization.

Unless specified, we use the email you have under Organization > General. You can check the current address by click on your company profile in the top right hand corner and select Organisation settings > General.

If you wanted to change this email address to somebody else then you can do this by:

Clicking on your company profile in the top right hand corner and select Organisation settings > Plans & Billing and scroll down to “Billing Address.” Enter the email address you would like to send your billing receipts to and hit “Save Changes.”

Changing my Billing Email Address

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