Switching to Free plan

Maybe You've been using the Unlimited plan this far, but discover that You could just as well manage with the Free plan. Well, I hope You know You can switch to Free plan any time - one of that being one of the things that makes Sliptree so great. Here's how You do it.

1. Go to Organization Settings

2. Scroll down to Plans and Billing and click “Change plan".

3. You'll be presented with the plan options, click on the Free plan.

4. As the Free plan is activated You will be able to “Select & Continue".

5. Next, You’ll have to confirm the plan chance - “You are about to switch to the Free plan”, confirm by “Switch to Free plan".

6. It's done! You'll be using the Unlimited plan until the end of the month, since it has already been prepaid. Your new plan will take effect starting the following month and You can review the status under Organization Settings, Plans & Billing.

In case You've just changed Your mind it's easy to revert back to Your previous plan at once by clicking “Cancel”.

I hope it went without a glitch and You are happy with Your new plan. If not, You can always change it.

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